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Danish-Israeli launchpad for life sciences and health tech startups is open for applicants in 2023! 


Sign up here! 

Welcome to the Danish-Israeli Launch Pad, a transformative experience designed to propel your life science and health tech start-up towards success in the global market.

The Danish-Israeli Launch Pad spans 5 months, ensuring a comprehensive and sustained approach to learning and growth.


With webinars and workshops in Denmark and Israel spread over this period, you will have ample time to absorb, implement, and refine the strategies and insights gained. 


Key Content and Features:

1. Strategic Development for Global Impact: We focus on enhancing your company's ability to create healthcare solutions that are not only innovative but also sustainable, scalable, and aligned with market demands. Through expert-led sessions and case studies, you will gain insights into crafting solutions that address real-world challenges and hold potential for international growth.


2. Network Expansion: Connect with key players in the healthcare industry, including hospitals, corporate partners, investors, and other stakeholders, both in Denmark and Israel.


3. Comprehensive Training and Mentoring: Our program provides intensive training and mentorship to guide your start-up through the complexities of international validation, scaling, and successful market entrance.


4. Webinars and Workshops: Engage in a series of webinars and interactive workshops led by industry experts.


5. Partnership and Training Workshop in Israel: As part of the Launch Pad experience, you will have the unique opportunity to visit Israel, a global hub for life sciences and health tech innovation. Immerse yourself in a dynamic ecosystem, tour cutting-edge facilities, and engage with local entrepreneurs, researchers, and investors.



Activities of the Launch Pad program: 


October 4th 2023 - 14:00-15:00 CET: Webinar Session

Overview of the life science ecosystems and healthcare systems in Denmark and Israel and building blocks to develop a global start-up growth strategy. The webinar is organized as teaching session by market experts and bringing in practical case studies, experiences, and Q&A.


October 30th 2023, Copenhagen: Workshop for Danish Start-ups

A combination of inspirational learnings and hands-on workshops on scoping the business plan with focus on the internationalization strategy, market strategy and fundraising strategy and identifying the main challenges of each company.

As a preliminary step, we will conduct a 1:1 sparring with each company to set the success criteria for each company individually, using their business plan and internationalisation strategy (if there is  such) as a compass when designing the content of the following workshops and the training workshop. Doing so, we will make sure to cater for each companies’ needs and interests. The participants will leave with an action plan for next steps and areas to develop, prior to the training workshop.


December 3rd – 7th 2023: One-week training workshop in Israel

Based on the identified success criteria of the companies, the workshop will be a mixture of B2B meetings to explore opportunities of clinical validation or co-development, presentations by local experts, roundtable discussions with different parts of the ecosystem, site visits, hands-on workshops and a pitching event.

The companies will meet hospitals, entrepreneurs, corporates, and investors. In the hands-on workshop, the companies will work on e.g. their market strategy, funding strategy and international pitching.

They will break international scaling into well-defined building blocks that they can work with on a practical level in their growth and scaling.


Price: DKK 6,600 plus flight and hotel. The program is subsidized by Innovation Centre Denmark and subject to De minimis rule.


Download the complete program outline here.


Sign up here! 


For more details or any questions, contact Senior Innovation Officer Louise Vibjerg Thomsen, on [email protected].